

Welcome to the personal site of Czech photographer Jiri Jiru. This site contains information about his career and works. Get an overview and become acquainted with the site by jumping directly to a specific section.

Press releases:

10 November 2015

9 novembre 2015 au 22 janvier 2016

La galerie BEGRAMOFF a le plaisir d'organiser pour la première fois dans ses murs une exposition totalement dédiée à la photographie qui débutera le 9 novembre 2015 et s'achévera le 22 janvier 2016 (fermeture pendant la période des fêtes). Cette exposition rassemble cinq photographes de talent dont Jiri Jiru.

Jiri Jiru est né à Prague mais s'est installé à Bruxelles comme réfugié politique il y a vingt-neuf ans. Aujourd'hui il vit et travaille à Prague et à Bruxelles. Il a collaboré avec divers journaux prestigieux tels le 'Time' 'Newsweek', Business week', 'The New York Times', 'International Herald Tribune', etc… La photographie semble être dans les gènes de la famille Jiri Jiru. Jiri a perpétué l'œuvre de son oncle Vaclav Jiru, fondateur et rédacteur en chef de la revue «Photographie» et membre de la prestigieuse association AFIAP. Mais Jiri Jiru a rencontré Vaclav Havel à Bruxelles à l'occasion d'une visite de ce dernier en Belgique et c'est ainsi qu'il est devenu le photographe personnel du leader Vaclav Havel ce qui lui a permis de faire de nombreux voyages et d'attraper des moments historiques, improbables et précieux. Dans le cadre de l'exposition BEGRAMOFF – PHOTO, quelques-unes de ces photographies improbables sont présentées.


10 September 2015

Václav Havel through the lens of Jiri Jiru
An exhibition called “Vaclav Havel through the lens of Jiri Jiru” has just opened at the Czech centre in Prague. It offers a selection of photographs of Vaclav Havel taken by his personal photographer during his first term in office as Czech president. At the exhibition I talked to Jiri Jiru about some of the photographs on display and how he had come to work for Vaclav Havel. http://www.radio.cz/en/section/panorama/vaclav-havel-through-the-lens-of-jiri-jiru
Une exposition de photos de Jiri Jiru consacrée à Václav Havel inaugurée au Centre tchèque à Prague
Une exposition de photos montrant Václav Havel entre 1993 et 2003 durant ses deux mandats de président de la République a été ouverte au Centre tchèque à Prague ce mardi. Toutes les photos, une quarantaine, sont l’œuvre de Jiri Jiru, photographe officiel au Château de Prague qui accompagnait alors régulièrement Václav Havel dans ses activités de chef de l’Etat, y compris à l’étranger. Selon leur auteur, « chaque photo a sa petite histoire, 90 % d’entre elles sont humoristiques ». Photographe reconnu, Jiri Jiru a émigré en Belgique en 1968 et a travaillé pour de nombreux magazines du monde entier. L’année prochaine, l’exposition fera le tour des centres tchèques à l’étranger à l’occasion du 80e anniversaire de la naissance de Václav Havel. http://www.radio.cz/fr/rubrique/infos/une-exposition-de-photos-de-jiri-jiru-consacree-a-vaclav-havel-inauguree-au-centre-tcheque-a-prague

Interview en français

15 May 2014

Jirí Jíru
Photomix 1964 - 2014
In his photographic retrospective opening May 15, photographer Jirí Jíru takes the viewer with him through the years -- and several countries -- as he documents the events and people of our time. On exhibit at the Old Town Hall (Cloister, Knights´ Room) through June 6, this show is a lively virtual journey that only a peripatetic photographer with eye for contextual detail and human interaction can convey. Jíru's portfolio includes photographs that have circulated worldwide through such American magazines as Time, Life, and People Weekly, and the prestigious newspaper New York Times. Also included is the series “Havel," from Jíru's photobook of the late Czech leader. These photographs capture key moments in the political career of the late president, including meetings with the Dalai Lama, Bohumil Hrabal, and even the Rolling Stones. The book itself won First Prize in the 2008 Orvieto Photographia contest in Italy. Photograph aficionados will especially appreciate Jirí Jíru´s links to his uncle Václav Jíru, the legendary Czech photographer, political organizer and publicist. This retrospective is not only a look back at Jirí Jíru's lifetime of work. As one moves through the exhibit it becomes clear that this photographer has a unique way of examining a rich array of social situations, historical events and people in all stations of life -- from anonymous peasants in their local settings to instantly recognizable celebrities on the go. Jiru's eye is empathic as well as artistic. A black-and-white photograph practically draws viewers into the frame as they come to appreciate how Jíru conveys his testimony to the human condition -- the world as a never-ending series of dramatic encounters and common stories.

Invitation vernissage

Invitation exhibit

Catalogue (6MB)

Reflex interview

Staromestske-Noviny interview

Havel dedication to Jirí JÍRU


01 July 2009

Czech Centre Brussels cordially invites you to the opening of the photo exhibition "Václav and Jirí JÍRU"
Gallery of Czech Centre 60, rue du Trône, 1050 Brussels
The exhibition will be accessible from 8th July to 10 September 2009

25 March 2008

Jiri Jiru has been awarded first prize at the photographic contest Orvieto fotografia 2008 in Italy for his photographic book HAVEL. The book contains sepia-turned and manually-colored portraits of Czech president Vaclav Havel during his first presidential term. Jiru was the president`s only personal photographer until 2000 at the Prague Castle. Jiru followed Havel around the world on official visits where the premier met with renowned individuals from cultural and political life, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, The Rolling Stones, Tina Turner, H.M.Queen Elizabeth.and many others. The forward in the book was written by the Oscar winning film director Milos Forman, and the book was designed by Studio Borek Sipek. The book can be viewed at www.jirijiru.com, and is available at the Photo Museum Jiru at Jaromirova 34, Prague 2, or directly from the author.

Needs your attention

Make sure you check out the Photomuseum part in the exhibit section.
